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We use all of the latest equipment and techniques to give you the best care posssible.  Below are a few of our specialities at Lee Chiropractic & Athletic Training, PLLC. 

Graston Technique


Graston Technique is a patented, state of the art solf tissue technique utilizing specialized metal instruments to break up soft tissue adhesions that ultimately decrease joint function.  This system of a movement is similar to Active Release Technique (ART) and treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves.


Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fascitis, knee problems, golfers elbow, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be solved quickly and permentaly with Graston Technique.  These conditions all have one important thing in common.  There are often a result of overused muscles.

Spinal Decompression


Nonsurgical spinal decompression is one type of treatment that may be used in our office.  It is the most advanced form of mechanical traction that may help relieve neck, back, and extreminity pain, tingling, numbness or weakness by gently stretching the spine.  This treatment is not suitable for all patients, but if it is needed, it is incorporated into your treatment plan.  Most offices charge out of pocket for this type of treatment; however, we are concerned with patient overall health so we do not charge any extra for this treatment.

Low Level Laser (Cold Therapy)


Low level laser therapy is a type of medical treatment that uses low level lasers to alter cellular functions.  Most conditions that benefit from Low Level Laser Therapy are:

Arthitis, Neck Pain, Tendinopaty, Joint Disorders, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, and Wound Healing.


Again, not a covered form of treatment but if needed it will be added to your treatment plan at no extra charge.

Athletic Training


Dr. Lee is a nationally certified Athletic Trainer licensed in the state of New York to provie onsite atheltic training / sports medicine services.  He has treated both Olympic and professsional athletes.  We contract directly to school districts for game coverage.  Sports injuries are treated and rehabilitated in our office. Dr. Lee uses his Athletic Training background and applies it to his practice.  He looks at injuries both from an Athletic Trainer and Chiropractor to formulate his treatment plan. 



We carry a range of semi custom and custom orthotics to fit individual needs including sandallthotics and shoethotics.  As an evaluation tool to access a patients need for any orthotic devices, we now utilize Foot Levelers 3D Body View.  3D BodyView produces a 3D volumetric image in true color to enable doctors to show patients levels of asymmetry throughout the body and relative relationships between different components of the foot. This device is the most accurate 3D technology in its class, and is certified to be accurate within 300 microns. The same technology is used for industrial inspection of jet engines and other critical precision equipment.

Vitamins / Supplements


Here at Lee Chiropractic & Athletic Training we are concerned about your whole overall health.  That is why we carry Vitamins / Supplements in our office.  We carry products by Designs for Health and Standard Process.  They both are a professional brand, offered exclusively to health care professionals and their patients through referral. They have been the health care professional's trusted source for research-backed nutritional products of superior quality. By providing comprehensive support through their extensive product line, ongoing clinical education, and practice development programs, they are able to maximize the potential for successful health outcomes.

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Call 585.447.2775 

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